Many times, puppy parents don’t know that their dog has hip dysplasia until it is too late.

Hip dysplasia can happen in many breeds, including mixed breed “pound puppies.”  Most notice a change in their dog while they are walking, running or trying to go up or down the stairs.  The most common thing that is sees is “bunny hopping” or a “sway” in the hips when the dog walks – even before pain or limping begins.

If your dog has been diagnosed with hip dysplasia, you may want to learn more about your options.  Here we will discuss several options in detail that your veterinarian may recommend. Each case is different, so be sure to work closely with your pet’s vet.

What Can Help My Dog?

Regardless of how old your dog is, many treatments and “lifestyle changes” are available that can help most dogs with hip dysplasia.

1. Weight Management

Every dog that has been diagnosed with hip dysplasia can benefit from maintaining a healthy weight and body condition score. To learn more about your dog’s body condition score, please refer to this article.

If your dog is overweight or obese, take measures to reduce their weight, as this will alleviate the forces on their hip joints.  Dogs with a normal body weight need to stay within their healthy weight range and maintain muscle with low-impact exercise – which we will talk about a little later.  If you need help putting your dog on a weight management plan – talk to your veterinarian.

2. Joint Supplements

Almost every dog with hip dysplasia can benefit from taking joint supplements. Joint supplements are easily available “over-the-counter” – often online, in pet stores and in your veterinarian’s office.

It is important to select a joint supplement that contains beneficial ingredients – not every “joint supplement” is the same.  The two most important ingredients are glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. These are substances that nourish the cartilage in all joints. They help to provide the “cushion” and lubrication that is necessary to keep joints healthy and functioning.  Joint supplements that only contain glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate typically help dogs with mild to moderate arthritis.

Dogs with more severe arthritis can still certainly benefit from these supplements. It is important to remember that the joint supplement won’t control their pain as well as if they were taking other medications or using other treatments.

3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omegas are fantastic for dogs of all ages.  They have been shown to reduce inflammation all over the body, from joints to the heart.  When selecting a joint supplement with glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, look for a product with other beneficial ingredients, such as fish oil, krill oil, hemp oil, and flax seed oil. You will notice that your dog not only feels better, they look better too – omega-3 rich oils in the diet support skin health too – leaving them with a shiny, glossy coat.

4. Surgery

Young and middle-aged dogs are often treated for hip dysplasia with surgery.  Many times, other treatments have been tried and have not provided relief. The most common procedures are juvenile pubis symphysiodesis (for puppies 12-16 weeks of age), triple pelvic osteotomy (TPO) (for puppies 5-12 months of age).  Procedures for older dogs include total hip replacement and femoral head and neck ostectomy (FHNO). The FHNO is the most common procedure for those that cannot afford a total hip replacement.  Talk to your veterinarian about which procedure is best for your dog’s situation. A referral to a surgeon may be necessary.

5. NSAID Therapy

NSAIDs, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, are pain relievers that help your dog to feel better. Often, these are used in moderate to severe cases of hip dysplasia, when other treatment options aren’t available.  NSAID therapy can exacerbate other conditions, so it is important to talk to your vet about the safest options.

6. Adequan

Adequan is an injectable medication that helps to prevent cartilage breakdown. It is similar to the glucosamine in oral products, but works directly by preventing enzymes from breaking down cartilage. The downside to this mediation is cost and having to give injections.  These injections can be given by your veterinarian or you can give them at home under your vet’s direction.

7. Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a wonderful option for dogs with hip dysplasia – especially if they are good surgical candidates. PT can help reduce the recovery time from surgery and helps to keep muscle mass and tone healthy.

8. Low-Impact Exercise

Dogs with hip dysplasia benefit from low-impact exercise, such as slow walking, swimming and range-of-motion exercises.

9. Acupuncture

Acupuncture can greatly help to control the pain associated with hip dysplasia.  Many general practitioners, pet physical therapists and even veterinary surgeons practice acupuncture and can set your dog up for routine care.

Hip & Joint Supplement

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Hip & Joint Supplement

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Probiotic with Skin & Coat Supplement

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Age is just a number, right? In the veterinary world, it is unfortunate that 12 is not the new 2.  Each dog is its own individual and some suffer fewer age-related issues than others. Some dogs age faster than others, depending on their breed. With the exception of a few giant breeds, like Great Danes, most dogs become geriatric, or ‘seniors’ when they are 8-10 years old. Great Danes become geriatric at 3-4 years of age.

Our furry friends are living longer than ever and chances are, your dog will reach ‘senior status’ sooner than you expect. If you are reading this and you have a puppy or a young adult dog – remember that preparing for senior care starts in puppyhood. Good nutrition, maintenance of normal body weight, routine wellness care and preparation for managing breed-associated disorders will go a long way in preparing your dog for their golden years.

We’ve compiled a brief list of things to start asking your veterinarian as your dog gets older.

A few questions to ask:

The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) recommends that senior dogs be seen for a physical examination every 6 months.

The reason for these recommendations is to catch early stages of age-related diseases, especially cancer. Changes can happen quickly with senior pets so, the more often they are examined by the veterinarian, the more likely that problems can be diagnosed early.

Each veterinarian has their own wellness program for seniors. Many of them have similar components – such as bloodwork. Bloodwork, specifically a CBC, serum chemistry and urinalysis should also be considered every 6-12 months for seniors. X-rays may also be needed to monitor specific conditions, but ask your vet if this is necessary for your pet.

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Most veterinarians agree that dogs benefit from a “senior” life stage diet between 7 and 10 years of age. It is best to consider a diet that is high in antioxidants, omega-3 essential fatty acids and glucosamine/chondroitin sulfate. If your pet has few joint or skin issues, diets like these can help to support their systems as they age.  Your veterinarian can recommend a reputable commercial diet.

Yes, they could. Senior dogs are more likely to suffer from cognitive dysfunction (“doggie dementia”) and osteoarthritis. Sometimes senior diets alone don’t contain enough to help improve mobility and support healthy skin and neuro health. Consider starting your pet on a supplement that contains therapeutic levels of glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants.  Ask your veterinarian about which type of supplement could help your dog and their particular conditions.

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While joint supplements containing glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate can alone help to control pain in dogs with mild to moderate arthritis – sometimes arthritis severity worsens. Ask your veterinarian what can be done next.  Many therapies are available out there to help manage pain and maintain overall health and mobility.  Acupuncture, massage, physical therapy, swimming, and specific medications can help your older pet achieve better pain control.

Older dogs often have more advanced dental disease. While age alone isn’t a reason to not pursue dentistry – it is considered when making plans for anesthesia.  The earlier you address dental disease, the fewer issues your pet will have as they age. Dogs that receive good dental care early in life will live 10-20% longer.  Even if your pet is older, don’t despair – addressing their dental disease can still prolong their life and give them better quality of life.  If you think your dog suffers from dental disease or oral pain, talk to your vet about what can be done.

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Just like humans, as dogs age they can suffer from cognitive dysfunction – often called “doggie dementia.”  As pets are living longer and longer – more are developing these disorders. If you are concerned that your senior is developing cognitive dysfunction or if you want to learn more, talk to your vet about treatment options.

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Hip & Joint Supplement

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Hip & Joint Supplement

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Probiotic with Skin & Coat Supplement

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  1. Boss, N. Senior Care Begins at Birth – Lifetime Wellness Care Programs. Atlantic Coast Veterinary Conference Proceedings. 2011. Veterinary Information Network.
  2. Epstein, M, et al., AAHA Senior Care Guidelines for Dogs and Cats. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc. 2005. Mar-Apr;41(2):81-91.


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Probiotics have been a healthy living mainstay for more than a decade. They have moved from the secluded recesses of the health food store to the aisles of your local 7-11.  With probiotics becoming so common in human diets – what about dogs?  We are looking to change that.

Probiotics are microbes that are beneficial to digestive health.  Each animal species has their own special “blend” of microbes that keep the digestive tract healthy. Without some of these microbes, certain animals would not be able to survive.   So how do you know if your dog could benefit from a probiotic?

1. Mild Tummy Troubles

The number one reason that dogs are put on probiotics is because of “tummy troubles.”  If your dog has digestive issues, probiotics can help a great deal.  Keeping your pup on a daily dose of probiotics can help prevent common digestive issues such as loose stool.

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2. Recovery from Digestive Illness

Many things can stress or damage the digestive tract in dogs, from medications to parasites to viruses.

Anything that damages the lining of the intestines can lead to a condition called “leaky gut syndrome” – an issue where things cross from the bowel into the bloodstream that shouldn’t. Often when this happens, the immune system is stimulated and the normal “good” microflora of the gut is affected. Oral probiotic supplements can help to boost the population of normal microbes, returning the bowel to a better state of health.

Probiotic bacteria specifically reduce inflammation, feed mucosal cells, support normal immune response to antigens and ‘run out’ disease-causing organisms from the bowel.

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3. Itchy Skin

Many dogs that have itchy skin suffer from atopic dermatitis.  In dogs and humans alike, regular, long-term probiotic use can cause an improvement in symptoms. With many cases of atopic dermatitis, skin infections are common. Dogs with atopy tend to go on and off antibiotics frequently to control skin infections. Giving probiotics at the same time as antibiotics may help to improve the immune system and reduce future antibiotic use.3 If you are interested in trying probiotics for your atopic dog, ask your veterinarian for specific advice.

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4. An Immune Boost for Every Dog

If your dog is healthy and has zero health issues, probiotics can still benefit him. A great amount of the immune system (called gut-associated lymphoid tissue or GALT) is housed in the gastrointestinal tract, so gut health is tightly connected to overall immune health in the dog.2

Experts also believe that probiotics contribute to the healthy development of the immune system from infancy. As mentioned previously, probiotics help to maintain balance in the digestive tract.  A steady stream of “good bugs” in the diet starting in puppyhood acts as a preventative against disease in many body systems.

Probiotics have been shown to improve immune function in dogs with a variety of immune system problems, such as IMHA (immune-mediated hemolytic anemia) and IBD (inflammatory bowel disease).3 Each case is different and not every probiotic ‘blend’ on the market is the same. Talk to your veterinarian about which probiotic is best for your dog’s specific condition.

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You can buy our vet prescribed probiotic here :

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  1. Palmquist, Richard. The Role of Probiotics In Immune System Support in Dogs. Veterinary Information Network Alternative Medicine Vet-to-Vet Message Board. August 25, 2010.
  2. Otte, Vern. Effects of Pedioccus-Based Probiotics on Gastrointestinal & Immune-Related Diseases of Cats and Dogs. State Line Animal Hospital, Leawood, KS, USA. Veterinary Information Network.
  3. Silver, Robert. Clinically Relevant Nutraceuticals Every Veterinarian Should Know. Rx Vitamins for Pets, Niwot, CO, USA. Veterinary Information Network.


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Around the globe, summer travel is in full swing.  If you are thinking of taking a trip, it is important to remember a few key things before you hit the road with your furry friend.

1. Travel is Stressful

Yep, no matter how much fun you think it will be – traveling can be a strain on all parties involved. The best way to prevent stress is to plan ahead.  Be sure to pay attention to:

Most people travel by car with their canine companions. Some dogs are A-OK with this, but others may have some issues. If your dog is anxious in the car (barking, whining, panting excessively or even in a full-blown panic…) be sure to start slowly with short trips in the car several weeks before your big trip. When you complete a short trip (even just down the street), be sure to have highly-prized treats ready as a reward.  Consistent rewards can help your dog associate the car with ‘good things.

Most veterinarians do not recommend tranquilizers or sedatives for vacation travel simply because they do have side effects. If your pet is so uncomfortable in the car that a sedative must be used, it may be best to leave them at home with a pet sitter.

If you plan on being in the car for long periods of time, consider asking your veterinarian for motion sickness medication. A product called Cerenia is available by your prescription from your vet and is FDA approved for prevention of motion sickness.  Using proper restraint for your dog can also help to prevent motion sickness.

Plan your trip with frequent breaks every couple of hours.  Seek out quiet, clean, shaded areas for you to take your pup for a short walk. Offer cool water and snacks.  BE SURE that your dog’s collar or harness is secure and leash attached before they leave the car. ention to your pup’s wellbeing.

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2. Be Safe

Car safety is just as important for your dog as it is for your children.  Dogs and humans can be injured in an accident – unsecured pets can become “projectiles” and it is just as scary as it sounds. Riding unsecured in a car is also very uncomfortable for your dog. Every time the car goes into a turn or stops suddenly, dogs can lose their footing in the back seat, fall into the floorboard or become motion sick.

Dogs can be secured in a car using a variety of methods, including:

If your dog is crate trained already, this is a great way to keep them safe and comfortable in the car. The crate protects them in event of an accident, can help prevent motion sickness and keep them calm.  If your dog is not crate trained, it could be a source of anxiety. For best results, start crate training in the home months before you intend to use your crate in a car or on an airplane.

There are several pet restraints or “doggie seat belts” available on the market. Unfortunately, there isn’t much data on how well these work in a crash situation. The information that is available shows that very few restraints make the cut for protecting both you and your dog, so use a resource like this article from Consumer Reports News before making your purchase.

For car travel, it is best to fit your dog with a harness that crosses the chest and behind the elbows, even if he does not normally wear a harness. The harness allows the most secure hold on your dog while he is leashed and is much less likely to slip off.

Remember to pack a simple “slip leash” and an extra leash with a sturdy clip in case your primary one becomes lost or broken. Also, ditch the retractable leash, as they can be dangerous to both you and your pet.

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3. Medical Records

Don’t forget to take a copy of your dog’s rabies certificate with you at a minimum. If your dog has an ongoing medical condition, taking a copy of their most recent medical record with you can help an unfamiliar veterinarian if medical attention is necessary on the road.

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4. Pet Friendly Accommodation

When traveling with a pet, be sure to read pet policies at hotels and rentals very carefully. Most hotels have a very clear policy and fee schedule at the ready when the booking is made. Rental homes or apartments may allow pets but beware – sometimes damage fees are not disclosed on the rental contract, which could be expensive if your dog causes a problem.

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5. Destination Pet Hazards

Many people look forward to taking their dog on their annual trip to the beach. But the beach can be a dangerous place for dogs if you aren’t careful. Soaring daytime temperatures can predispose your dog to heatstroke or burned paw pads.  Drinking too much sea water can cause vomiting, dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. Discarded fish hooks can find their way into lips or toes.  Take measures to protect your dog from the elements, provide plenty of shade and go inside to cool off.  Other favorite vacation destinations have their own hazards, so think ahead and pay close attention to your pup’s wellbeing.

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This list was brought to you by Veterinary Naturals.
A line of natural and organic dog supplements.
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5 benefits of salmon and hemp oil

Fatty acids are an important component of a dog’s diet, as they are necessary for maintaining good health and preventing disease. Fatty acids are the most important supplement you can give to your dog, regardless of what type of diet it eats.

The fatty acids that are particularly relevant are omega-3 fatty acids. EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) are the most important and they must be supplied directly from food, as dogs (and humans too), cannot produce them

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Besides omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids are also an important requirement for dogs, but because they are widely available in today’s dog diets, especially in commercial pet food, we don’t hear about them as often. In fact, omega-6 fatty acids are plentiful in any diet, so it is important to provide enough omega-3 fatty acids in order to maintain an adequate omega-6:omega-3 ratio. This ratio should be low (4:1 or 3:1) and supplementing with omega-3 will compensate potential imbalances created by feeding a diet with high contents of omega-6 (and thus a high omega-6:omega-3 ratio). Also, EPA and DHA are fragile compounds that do not survive storage conditions or the processing of kibble, thus the need to supplement.


Both fish and plant oils are important sources of fatty acids, complementing each other in terms of benefits. Fish oil comes from oily fish, such as salmon or sardines, and it is the result of these fish accumulating omega-3 fatty acids by eating other fish. Plant oils that are commonly used are extracted from different plants, with flaxseeds, coconut, and hempseeds being some examples.

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While salmon oil is a source of readily available omega-3 fatty acids, hempseed oil is rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is a short-chain omega-3 fatty acid that dogs need to convert into EPA and then DHA. As for its benefits though, hempseed oil has the perfect balance of omega 3:omega 6 fatty acids, along with other benefits recognized by the traditional Chinese medicine long ago.

Hempseed oil has health-promoting and healing properties and it is a powerful anti-oxidant that relieves inflammation. It is easily digested and is a rich source of amino acids.

With so many great properties, salmon and hemp oil makes the perfect combination of a fatty acid supplement. But what are, after all, the 5 benefits of using salmon and hemp oil?

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1. Improves skin and coat

Fatty acids play an important role in reducing inflammation, which benefits different organs and systems. The skin and coat are no exception. Their health and overall looks improve when adding fatty acids to a dog’s diet. Scientific studies have provided evidence that fatty acid supplementation reduces itching, self-trauma, hair loss, and helps maintaining a healthy coat. There is also evidence that fatty acid supplementation alleviates the symptoms of a dermatologic condition called atopic dermatitis.

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2. Helps cognitive function

Fatty acids are known promoters of cognitive function and neurologic health. They help in the development of fetuses and puppies, and stimulate brain function, aiding in the prevention of dog dementia. Clinical trials comparing groups of animals with and without fatty acid supplementation have shown great improvements in behavioral attributes, agility, recognition of family and other animals (symptoms associated with dog dementia), as well as a decrease in excessive licking and pacing in dogs taking the supplements.


3. Reduces inflammation

Because fatty acids reduce inflammation, any condition resulting from it will improve. Arthritis, allergies, and inflammatory bowel disease are good examples of health issues that improve with fatty acid use. Any chronic and degenerative disease for which inflammation is the root cause will see its symptoms decrease due to the anti-inflammatory properties of EPA and DHA.

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4. Regulates the immune system

Essential fatty acids boost the immune system, whenever it is suppressed, but they also calm it down when it is overreactive (as in allergies or autoimmune disease), thus acting as a regulator of the immune system. Any condition that is directly related to the immune function will therefore benefit from fatty acid uptake.


5. Helps preventing cancer

Salmon and hemp oil are also a good option as an adjuvant to prevent and treat cancer. Essential fatty acids promote apoptosis, or programmed cell death, of cancerous cells via a mechanism of lipid peroxidation. On doing so, they reduce the tumor burden and help reducing tumor growth. Scientific evidence supports the beneficial effects of fish oil on different types of cancer, including breast, prostate, and colon cancer in humans. Why would it be different in dogs?

As if these were not enough reasons to start supplementing your dog with fatty acids, there is evidence that fish oil also helps in cardiovascular and renal disorders, lowers blood pressure and triglycerides, and promotes weight loss in overweight dogs. It’s all benefits.

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You can buy our vet prescribed supplement here :
Hemp & Hips

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The most natural source of omega fatty acids for your dog you're not using:
Salmon & Hemp Oil

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1. Diet & Nutrition

food Unfortunately, our pets are just like their parents when it comes to diet and nutrition. Our dogs are what they eat. A diet with excessive calories, manufactured dog food with fillers and too many table scraps can slow them down. If your dog is overweight, the extra pounds will place a burden on his or her hips, joints and bones. Easing your dog onto a lower calorie diet is a first step in helping your dog reduce his or her weight. Most dog food companies even have special blends for senior and less active dogs. They help lower the daily calorie intake for your dog, while making sure your dog has the proper nutrition. The hard part, no matter how much they beg or make puppy eyes at the table, is to greatly reduce the food that goes from your plate into their mouths. While we think we’re showing our love for our dogs by sharing our food and leftovers, we’re usually just adding extra calories and pounds to their frame. In our house, our dogs found it devastating when we didn’t feed them from the table. After nights of aggressive whining, begging and a lot of paws on our legs during dinner, we came up with a trick. Instead of giving our dogs human food from the table, we just handed them a small piece of their kibble. While this trick seems as cruel as handing out apples at Halloween, it started to reverse the trend of them gaining weight.

2. Exercise

Whatever excuse we have for not going to the gym today, our pets depend on us for a good workout. A moderate amount of daily exercise helps dogs maintain a healthy weight and mobility. Whether it’s a leisurely walk, tossing a ball around or just fun interactive play-time, the movement and mobility often helps with the onset of arthritis. Our pets love interacting with us, as much as we love spending time with them. Finding some time to be active together has the benefit of helping us and our dogs!

3. A Day At The Spa

No. We’re not suggesting your dog head to the nearest spa for a facial, massage and a mud bath (they just might like that!). Some pet physical therapists have noted how hot tubs, controlled swimming, and whirlpools are great for pets with arthritis. Short periods of increased warmth, interspersed with cold, can help reduce your pet’s aches and pains. Having your dog in the water also makes them lighter, so there is less pressure on their joints and bones. There are therapists who specialize in dog massages for arthritic dogs. You can look online for a local dog physical therapist or ask for recommendations from your vet.


4. Make Your Home ‘Senior Dog-Friendly’

senior friendly Without thinking about it, our homes might be an uncomfortable place for a dog with reduced mobility, the onset of arthritis or hip dysplasia. However, it’s very easy to make some minor adjustments to help our dogs. When a dog has even the early signs of arthritis, our pets don’t have the balance, strength, an
d coordination they once did. Ensuring the doormats, rugs and other loose surfaces are secure will a big help from slipping and falling. It might also be time to take another look at your dog’s bed. Older and arthritic dogs will prefer and benefit from a warm, cozy and comfy bed. A few extra blankets in her bed can give your dog a lot of extra comfort and relief. When your dog was younger, he or she used to love to jump in the car and sofa. Now that your dog is beginning to slow down a bit, there are ways to help here too. Ramps that add a gentle slope into the car or onto furniture bring a lot of relief to your dog. There are a number of retailers who carry products that will have a readymade ramp for your dog. You will want to ensure that they are stable, secure and have a slope your dog can handle. Of course, you can still pick up and carry your dog. See item number 1 on the list…

5. Dog Supplements

There are a number of dog supplements that might help provide relief, comfort, and support to your dog. Finding a supplement that helps increase mobility, reduces inflammation and pain is key. Your veterinarian is the best person to talk to, in order to ensure you find the right supplement.

He or she will probably advise you to find a supplement with Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM as the basic active ingredients, as a place to start. There are also a lot of holistic ingredients you might want to consider for your dog. Turmeric, for example, is a natural remedy that provides a lot anti-inflammatory properties. Fish oils are another great ingredient that acts as an anti-inflammatory. Lastly, hemp oil, is one of nature’s more powerful anti-inflammatories. You can read our other blog for more information on hemp.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version="3.0.47" background_size="initial" background_position="top_left" background_repeat="repeat"]You can buy our vet prescribed supplement here :
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As dogs grow older, their needs may change. A healthy, balanced diet and appropriate exercise are essentialto keep up with their changing needs and provide them with the quality of life they deserve. But what is a senior dog, after all?

Seniority in dogs depends on their life expectancy, which is associated with their size and breed. Giant dog breeds are considered to reach seniority at around 6 years old, as their life expectancy usually does not go beyond 8 or 9 years. Smaller dog breeds, on the other hand, reach old age later. A senior Poodle, for example, would be considered a senior dog at around 14 or 15 years old.

Older dogs are usually less active and have a slower metabolism, which makes them less efficient when metabolizing the food they eat. That is why many senior dogs tend to put on weight and some even become obese. However, many other dogs maintain their vitality and good shape during their last years. If a dog’s weight and body condition are good, there is no reason to change a diet that is working well.

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When health issues arise, though, the diet should be adjusted to account for the imbalances that are taking place, thus helping to halt the progression of the disease. Dogs with kidney problems should have diets with lower protein content and proteins should be highly digestible; dogs with heart disease should have reduced sodium content in their diets; dogs with constipation problems should have diets with 3 to 5% more fiber; and dogs with cognitive impairment or dementia should take supplements, such as fish oil.

A good diet should be aimed for at any stage of a dog’s life, as it is one of the most important factors determining their health status. That is no different in a senior dog. A proper diet for a senior dog should have good quality protein from an animal source, and not a plant source, and its content should be high, as protein helps maintaining muscle tone, wound healing, supporting the immune and nervous system, and keeping a healthy skin and coat. A common misconception is that older dogs should be on diets with lower protein content, as they help protect kidney and liver function. This is false. Lack of protein may lead to higher susceptibility to stress and muscle wasting, as the body will start using its own muscle to compensate for the protein deficiency. In fact, because older dogs may have trouble metabolizing nutrients, including protein, its content should be high, to make sure they get enough of it.

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Excess weight in senior dogs should be controlled by feeding the dog less food and limiting the fat content of his or her diet. However, diets with a low content of fat will leave the dog feeling hungry all the time, which will affect his quality of life. Moreover, fats are needed to keep their skin and coat looking great, they strengthen the immune system, and they play a paramount role in transporting fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E, and K). So, when trying to reduce fat content, owners should look for moderately reduced fat content (10 to 14% for dry foods), and not low.

Supplements are also a key component of a senior dog’s dietary plan. They have huge benefits, aiding in the control of specific conditions, but also in the general support of the immune system, which in turn strengthens the dog’s overall ability to fight off disease. Glucosamine and chondroitin are proved to contribute to the health of joints and halt the progression of arthritis; fish oil helps supporting brain function and also healthy joints; turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that help preventing degenerative disease; anti-oxidants, such as CoQ10, alpha-lipoic acid, vitamins C, E, and A, beta-carotene, and selenium all have beneficial roles in the aging systems of a senior dog, particularly the brain and heart.

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All things considered, old dogs are just like any other dog. Good quality food, exercise, adapted to his or her specific needs and health status, correct body weight, supplementation, good veterinary care, and lots of love are what make up a healthy, happy dog.

If you’re looking for a supplement to support your senior dog’s hips, joint, digestion, skin & coat or overall better health, check out Veterinary Naturals line of natural, organic and hemp based supplements.

You can find our Probiotic-supplement here :

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Wading through the different health supplements for your dog can be difficult, especially when many ingredients are very similar.  One of the most confusing ingredients on the market is “fish oil.”  Fish oil can be a combination of different oils - sourced from cod-liver oil, sardines, salmon, mackerel, etc. Some fish oils also include krill oil. 


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If you want optimal traceability and transparency when it comes to your dog’s health supplement – stick to very specific products.

Salmon oil is one of the better ones out there, and here’s why:



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5. Minimal to no “fishy” smell

Salmon oil has far less of a “fishy” taste and smell compared to fish oil. When placed in supplements, it is almost undetectable (to humans at least).  Some picky eaters don’t prefer the fish smell or taste – so the lighter the smell, the better!  Dog foods that contain the health benefits of oily fish often use fish meal, which definitely can have an off-pudding smell and can contribute to foul smelling breath and feces.

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4. Low Vitamin A

Many fish oils on the market contain cod liver oil. Cod liver oil has its benefits for health, but it can also contain a high level of Vitamin A.  This fat-soluble vitamin, while essential for good health, can be over-dosed and cause toxicity. Salmon oil is a low-Vitamin A alternative that has all the ‘good stuff’ in it (and more), that makes it a better option than plain fish oil.


3. No Salmon Poisoning Disease

No sushi for you!  Not only is feeding ‘sushi grade’ raw salmon to dogs economically taxing, it can be dangerous too. Salmon poisoning is rare, but can occur if your dog eats raw or undercooked salmon. The disease is caused by a parasite (Neorickettsia helminthoeca) that lives in the flesh of the salmon. Using salmon oil eliminates the risk of your dog being exposed.

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2. High Levels of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Salmon oil contains a high level of omega-3 fatty acids. The two most important are DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid).   The NIH reports that 85g of salmon flesh yields approximately 1.5g of omega-3 fatty acids.1 Dogs use both extremely well in their bodies for a variety of functions.

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1. Anti-inflammatory Prowess

These “long-chain” omega-3 fatty acids are well-known for having multiple health benefits.  They have been shown in numerous species to improve2,3:

One of the reasons that omega-3’s help the body to function so well is because it puts a damper on inflammation. Pain relief is one of the ways that we know that omega-3’s curb inflammation.

But specifically, how do omega-3’s decrease inflammation?  Science is still unraveling that mystery, but a recent study has discovered a piece of the puzzle.  There are many, many chemical reactions that occur, triggers and maintains inflammation in the body. Inflammation has a good purpose, but it can get out of hand over time.

Trying to dampen some of these ‘chemical mediators’ can make a difference in your dog’s health and quality of life. One of these mediators is called an ‘oxylipin’ – a fatty acid that is known as a “pro-inflammatory” molecule. A 2011 diet trial in humans showed a 15% decrease in these oxylipins when participants took a daily fish-based omega-3 supplement, compared to others taking placebo corn oil.4

The Proof Is In the Pudding

Most dogs with mild to moderate arthritis show improvement within 6-8 weeks of taking omega-3-rich health supplements as a part of their pain control plan.2 Some puppy parents don’t notice that it has been helping until the supplement is stopped suddenly!  It is well worth the extra effort to seek out transparent, simple ingredients that can boost your dog’s health for a lifetime.



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The most natural source of omega fatty acids for your dog you're not using:

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  2. Roush JK,et al. Evaluation of the effects of dietary supplementation with fish oil omega-3 fatty acids on weight bearing in dogs with osteoarthritis. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2010;236(1):67–73.
  3. Bauer JE. Therapeutic use of fish oils in companion animals.J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2011;239(11):1441–1451.
  4. Ziykovic, A., et al., Dietary omega-3 fatty acids aid in the modulation of inflammation and metabolic health. Calif Agric (Berkeley). 2011 July-September; 65(3):106-111.


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Hemp is an amazing plant and one that has been used for thousands of years.  It is primarily used today in the production of textiles and hemp oil.

Many of us have never heard of hemp oil, let alone considered it as a nutritional supplement.

What is it?  What benefits does it have?  Is it okay for my dog to take?

Let’s take a closer look….

Hemp oil is made from fast-growing varieties of Cannabis sativa plant. Its seeds are harvested then pressed to extract the oils.








  1. Safe for Dogs

Hemp oil is not to be confused with hash oil.  Hemp oil is produced from varieties of Cannabis sativa that do not contain much THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). THC is highly toxic to dogs and can cause a myriad of life-threatening problems.

Commercially available hemp oil is often regulated to allow THC levels to about 5 ppm. In Canada, for example, the legal limit for THC in foodstuffs is 10 ppm.  Some countries do not regulate THC in foodstuffs and it can reach around 25 ppm in hemp oil.

In comparison, hash oil typically contains between 30,000-300,000 ppm THC.

  1. Ideal balance of omega fatty acids

Hemp oil contains both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. The wonderful thing about hemp oil is its unique balance of omegas.  The omega-6 to omega-3 ratio found in it is at 3:1.

It contains an almost ideal ratio for dogs, as they need a ratio of around 5:1.

80% of the oil is essential fatty acids, including linoleic acid (an omega-6) and ALA (an omega-3).

  1. Promotes Healthy Skin

It is well known that omega-3 fatty acids help dogs maintain healthy skin. Hemp oil, as an excellent source of omega-3’s, can help your dog maintain a shiny, healthy coat.

Does your dog have dry, itchy skin?

Dull, dry and brittle haircoats are often found in cases where there is a deficiency of linoleic acid in the skin. Veterinarians have found that some of these cases respond to omega fatty acid supplementation, especially those containing linoleic acid, like hemp oil.  Linoleic acid helps the skin to maintain its barrier function, keeping moisture in.

If your dog suffers from skin conditions and allergies, such as atopic dermatitis, an omega-3 rich hemp oil supplement can be beneficial. These dogs are often in a high state of inflammation and hemp oil can help decrease their overall level of inflammation.

  1. Anti-Seizure Properties

Hemp and hash oil have been used as an alternative, natural seizure control medication in humans with some success. While it is not used as widely in veterinary medicine, some pet owners and holistic veterinarians say that it can help as a part of a wider anti-seizure treatment plan.

While most commercial hemp seed oil does not contain high levels of THC, some experts argue that the brain can make its own cannabinoids from the LA and ALA fatty acids found in hemp seed oil. This, combined with the small amount of THC and CBD in hemp oil, could explain why some dogs stop having seizures while taking hemp seed oil.

  1. Vegan and Sustainable

With our oceans in trouble from pollution, climate change and over-fishing, hemp oil is a more sustainable source of omega fatty acids.  Hemp grows in a variety of climates and its production is renewable, leaving a small footprint.   Hemp oil is also a great choice for people who want to include their pets in their green, vegan or vegetarian dietary lifestyle.


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Resources :

  4. Roudebush, P. Fatty Acid Supplementation: Does it Really Work? ACVIM Proceedings 2006.
  5. Podell, M. Highs and Lows of Medical Marijuana in the Treatment of Epilepsy. ACVIM Proceedings 2015.


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Flaxseed is a well-known superfood for humans, but did you know that it’s good for dogs, too?

Many foods for both people and fur babies contain the health-boosting ingredient flaxseed, including cereals, granola, digestive aides and essential fatty acid supplements

Why is it so popular? Let’s break down how flaxseed has earned superfood status.

What is flaxseed?

Flaxseed is the seed portion of the flax plant Linum usitatissimumIt is also known as linseed. Flax is used as both a food source and in textiles. The most common use of the flax plant is the production of the fabric linen. Flax is a common crop in cooler regions around the globe, grown from Finland to Canada.

The Superfood

Flaxseeds are tiny, but are packed full of nutritional goodness. They are also incredibly calorific, around 500 calories per 100 grams.

The most important nutrients provided by flaxseed include:

Flaxseeds are often found in omega-3 rich dog food and nutritional supplements like probiotics and hip and joint supplements. It is important for you to know what you are buying and what type of flaxseed is best for your dog’s digestive system.

From Field to Food

Flaxseeds are sold whole, ground into a meal or as an expressed oil.

The structure of the little flaxseed is important when you are shopping for the best dog supplement.

Keep in mind that the hard outer covering of the whole seed is made of hard fiber. The health-boosting omega-3s, protein, vitamins and minerals are inside the seed.

Whole Flaxseeds

My German grandfather puts a tablespoon of whole flaxseeds in his muesli every morning “for his digestion.”  Whole flaxseeds, like other seeds with a hard, fibrous shell, have little nutritional value when eaten whole.

Herbivores like cattle have the teeth to grind up whole flaxseeds, making them more digestible and the goodness inside available to their bodies.

Unless people and dogs really chew whole flaxseeds well (we don’t), most are simply passed in the feces undigested.

Fortunately for my Opa Klaus, whole seeds can have a health benefit. Some are crushed and digested and the others help digestion in a similar way that fiber does, helping move material from teeth to tail.


Flaxseed oil – Linseed oil

Each tiny flaxseed is about 46% fat – most of these fats are a combination of omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids.

Flaxseed oil is expeller pressed and some is refined further using solvents. The end product is simply the fat.

Flaxseed oils are very commonly added to skin and joint supplements. It is also preferred by some manufacturers and consumers because it is a cheap, vegan source of essential fatty acids. Like other oils, flaxseed oil needs to be stored properly in order to prevent rancidity and weird flavors. Once it goes rancid, it isn’t good for anybody to eat.

Flaxseed Meal 

I’ve saved the best for last. Ground flaxseed (flaxseed meal) is the best for your dog’s body. The grinding process allows the ‘oh-so-good for you’ stuff inside of the seed to be as digestible as possible.

When processed into a powder, properly stored and combined with other ingredients, your pup will receive all the goodness that flaxseed contains instead of just part of it. If you are feeding flaxseed to help your dog gain weight, the grinding process makes the calories more accessible.

Grinding, like pressed flaxseed oil, causes oxidation of the oils and flaxseed meal goes rancid fast.  However, if properly processed and packaged, it can stay good for months at room temperature.


Will my dog benefit from flaxseed?

Short answer….yes!  All dogs can benefit from having flaxseed in their diet.

Dogs with specific health conditions benefit the most, as high fiber and omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to benefit dogs with1,2:


The Doggy-Bag:  The Take-Home Message

While there are many sources of omega-3’s out there, the little flaxseed packs the most sustainable nutritional punch.  Flaxseed fits in seamlessly in your dog’s food or supplement, tasteless, unlike stinky fish oils that some dogs detest.  Remember to always read the fine print on your dog supplement or food– pick flaxseed meal over the rest.


The Probiotic you are looking for is available here :




Resources : 

  1. Mosseler, A. Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI) in Dogs – More Than Just Steatorrhea: Therapy and Dietetic Measures for Dogs with EPI. 26thECVIM-CA Congress Proceedings. 2016. Veterinary Information Network.
  2. Rosenbaum, M .   The Four Step Approach to the Itchy Dog .  Atlantic Coast Veterinary Conference Proceedings. 2014. Veterinary Information Network.


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Most of us are familiar with Cannabis sativa in its medicinal or illegal forms, but did you know that the ‘industrial’ hemp plant is a powerhouse of nutrition for you and your dog?

The most nutritionally dense part of the hemp plant is its tiny seeds.  These seeds, also known as the hemp heart, are packed full of goodness.

So, what sets hemp apart?

Hemp seeds provide unique health benefits for both dogs and humans by providing a myriad of micro and macronutrients, such as:

Hemp seeds contain about 30% protein.  It is highly digestible, especially when ground into hemp powder.

For those of us that live a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, we can supplement our dog’s diet with cruelty-free, sustainable hemp protein.

Hemp seeds contain both soluble and insoluble fiber.

What’s the difference?  Think of it this way: soluble fiber absorbs water and insoluble fiber does not.

Having BOTH in a foodstuff is especially health-boosting. Soluble fiber in hemp seeds could help your dog feel fuller for longer…potentially cutting down that pesky begging behavior.  Soluble fiber also helps to add bulk to the stool, safeguarding against constipation.  It is also a key player in slowing down diarrhea.

Hemp seeds contain an almost magical ratio of omega fatty acids (3:1), which is almost ideal for dogs. Omega-3 fatty acids found in hemp seeds provide a myriad of benefits, all of which stem from its anti-inflammatory properties.

Numerous vitamins and minerals are contained in each tiny little seed, including copper, manganese, potassium and iron, to name a few.

Hemp seeds also contain an impressive amount of vitamin E. Paired with its high level of zinc and omega-3 fatty acids, it is a go-to supplement  for dogs with chronic skin problems or high levels of bodily inflammation.

Why hemp powder?

Hemp powder is a common form of hemp in nutritional supplements. After harvest, the seeds are minimally processed and ground in their whole form. This means that the entire seed is ground and you don’t lose any of the beneficial properties that eating whole food provides. Often when seeds or grains are processed, helpful fiber is lost, but not with hemp powder.

Grinding makes hemp seed goodness more bioavailable for your dog to digest. The higher surface area of the powder makes it easier for your dog’s digestive enzymes to do their work. If the seeds were not ground, they would just “pass through”, acting more like an expensive fiber supplement.

Soluble fiber in ground hemp powder has more access to absorb water in the digestive tract, aiding ingested food’s digestion.

Can my dog benefit from hemp powder?


All dogs can benefit from added hemp seed powder in their diets.   It is especially important for dogs with certain health conditions to receive a highly digestible source of protein, fiber and omega-3 fatty acids.   If your dog suffers from one of the following conditions, hemp seed powder could be beneficial:

How to buy hemp powder for your dog

While hemp seed powder is available online, it is best to buy it as an organic, combination product. Supplements that support general health or digestive health often contain hemp seed powder.

Combination supplements like Veterinary Naturals Hemp & Health have done all the leg-work for you. This product has the best of all worlds, especially if your dog suffers from poor digestion. The combination of highly digestible hemp powder, probiotics and ginger is dosed appropriately for dogs of all sizes for maximum benefit.

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You can easily give your dog the benefits of hemp powder and buy our Hemp & Health Probiotic for Dogs at the following trusted retailers :

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Eventually, every dog will develop arthritis. As dogs get old, their cartilage wears out and becomes weaker. The synovial fluid, the fluid that lubricates the joints, reducing friction and absorbing shock during movement, becomes less abundant. The ability for cartilage to heal decreases and the propensity for breaking down increases.

With all this going on, the ends of bones, both in the front and hind legs, come into direct contact and start grinding against each other. Without the protective action of the fully functional cartilage, joints become swollen and painful. Dogs will show signs of lameness and limb stiffness, they will be reluctant to move, use stairs, or simply getting up and lying down.

Arthritis means inflammation of the joints and the term is used to describe a whole range of joint issues, including hip dysplasia, osteochondritis, and different spinal problems.

The type of arthritis usually seen in senior dogs is degenerative joint disease, which may occur concurrently with other types of arthritis, such as hip dysplasia. Every old dog has at least some degree of arthritis, as it reflects the natural aging process, backed up by lifelong processed diets, sometimes lacking nutrients that are essential for maintaining joint health.

But it is possible to control arthritis and even reverse some of its clinical signs by reducing the inflammation and pain, and thus improving your dog’s quality of life.

Conventional treatment includes the use of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which reduce inflammation but also have adverse effects, especially gastro-intestinal, and should be used only in extreme cases. Polysulfated glycosaminoglycan (PSGAG) is also commonly used for promoting cartilage growth and repairing cartilage damage.

Controlled exercise to keep the joints moving is paramount and physical therapy and massages also play important roles in the treatment of arthritis. They help supporting the muscles and improve overall circulation.

Hydrotherapy is one of the best types of physical therapy you can give your dog, as the water supports the dog’s weight, increasing the range of joint movement, at the same time it helps muscles to relax, due to the warmth of the water, and strengthen, by providing resistance.

Weight control is another crucial component for treating arthritis, as many scientific studies have proven that weight reduction lead to a substantial improvement in clinical lameness secondary to osteoarthritis.

Along with weight loss, a pleasant and comfortable environment help your dog feel safe and at ease.

Supplementation is a natural way to help your arthritic dog, with proven results and virtually no secondary effects.

Glucosamine is a known nutritional supplement that helps in the production of lubricating fluid and reduces free radicals that damage the cartilage. Herbal supplements have also been proven effective in decreasing inflammation. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and turmeric are good examples with excellent results.

At last, homeopathy is a good resource with many different options that include the use of Rhus toxicodendrum 6c, Brygonia 6c, Belladonna 6c, Nux vomica 6c, and Pulsatilla 6c. These are plants that are approved for homeopathic use, with 6c standing for a small dilution that is more adequate to treat chronic conditions, such as arthritis.

As you can see, options abound. Going towards a more natural treatment is always preferable.

Using supplements for helping with the inflammation, even as prevention, coupled with physical therapy and moderate exercise are great ways to improve your dog’s mobility when reaching seniority.

A natural diet comprised of fresh food, as opposed to processed pet food, with little or no meat and dairy, is also an interesting alternative, as it leads to a reduction in inflammation and therefore helps in pain management.

It’s up to you to try and see what best fits you and your dog as to give it the best life possible.


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We have all probably heard of probiotics before, especially in yogurt ads, and the wonders of including them in our diet. But what are probiotics and why do our dogs need them as much as we do?

Probiotics are live microorganisms that are directly fed in certain amounts to benefit the health of the host, be it a human or a dog. These microorganisms are naturally found in the gut and are essential for keeping good health. The word probiotics come from the Latin word “pro”, that means for and the Greek word “bios”, that means life – so the word probiotics itself tells us they are beneficial, or for life!


It has long been known that the gut is the largest immune organ in the body, where most of the immune cells are present. Furthermore, there is a primordial connection between the gut and the brain – the intestinal flora is responsible for producing neurotransmitters and neurochemicals that are essential for the production of certain hormones in the brain, like serotonin, the well-known hormone of happiness. The brain is aware of the intestinal microbiota, which in turn affects behavior and the way the world is perceived by animals – humans and dogs included!

Having in mind the role the gut plays in the health and general welfare of dogs, the 5 top reasons your dog should be on probiotics are:


1. Probiotics boost the immune system and reduce stress

Stress and illness may disrupt your dog’s balance between healthy and harmful microbes. Old age seems to be a trigger for imbalance, too. Thus, adding probiotics to your dog’s diet helps to regulate this balance and keeping it at an optimal state of health.


2. Probiotics protect from infection and disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms


By competing with pathogenic microorganisms, probiotics protect your dog from diarrhea and gastrointestinal disorders to liver disease and chronic intestinal abnormalities, such as intestinal bowel disease (IBD). Also, they can be an important barrier against toxins that may cause cancer. Probiotics are also thought to help in gastritis associated with Helicobacter, common parasites, such as Toxocara canis and Giardia, and viruses, such as the canine parvovirus




3. Probiotics produce vitamins and help nutrient absorption


Probiotics help in the production of vitamin B-12 and they also help the organism to absorb calcium, magnesium, iron, and nutrients. Probiotics help digestion, reducing gas formation and regulating bowel movement.


4. Probiotics control allergies


Probiotics protect from drugs, heavy metals, and allergens. Because dogs nowadays are subjected to some of the same lifestyle challenges as humans, which include an increased exposure to allergens, probiotics may act protectively against allergies.





5. Probiotics contribute to overall health


A healthy diet and good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract help to prevent obesity, contribute to good breath, a good-looking coat and skin and help to prevent behavior disorders and diarrheic episodes. Although scientific research is very limited on the use of probiotics in pets, as opposed to people, there are some encouraging studies that point to scientific evidence of the benefits of adding probiotics to your dog’s diet. Some of these studies are placebo controlled trials that show the benefits of using probiotics both in treating acute episodes of diarrhea in dogs and preventing such episodes. Another important aspect of probiotics is the quality (and quantity) of the ingredients. Naturally-derived, organic ingredients are always preferred and play a major role



Although scientific research is very limited on the use of probiotics in pets, as opposed to people, there are some encouraging studies that point to scientific evidence of the benefits of adding probiotics to your dog’s diet. Some of these studies are placebo controlled trials that show the benefits of using probiotics both in treating acute episodes of diarrhea in dogs and preventing such episodes.



Another important aspect of probiotics is the quality (and quantity) of the ingredients. Naturally-derived, organic ingredients are always preferred and play a major role in the results. Probiotics for dogs should derive from the canine gastrointestinal tract, as intestinal flora differs from species to species. Human microbiota, for example, is distinct from a dog’s or cat’s microbiota. Some microorganisms that have been proven to be beneficial, as they adhere to the dog’s intestinal mucus, prevent the adhesion of pathogens, and increase immune parameters, are Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus fermentum, and Lactobacillus acidophilus.

Most healthy bacteria are stable in dry feed and can travel through the gastric acid, enzymes, and bile without being destroyed. Contrary to what some may advocate, even when probiotics become non-viable, they still have a positive effect on the gut, as the dog can still use the genetic material of those probiotics.


Don’t forget that a good diet, to begin with, is paramount to your dog’s health, especially if it has reached seniority. If your dog is missing vital nutrients in the first place, probiotics will not perform miracles, as they are not a solution for malnutrition. Lastly, letting your dog be a dog, meaning it is allowed to happily roll in the mud and dirt, occasionally drinking from ponds, and being outdoors, will help it boost its immune system naturally by getting in contact with soil-based microorganisms. All in all, natural behaviors and animal tendencies are the evolutionary and biological way of nature making animals thrive.



Veterinary Naturals' Hemp & Health Probriotic for Dogs is a high fiber, omega fatty acid rich option for your dog. With natural and organic ingredients, it provides all the benefits of this article and more. You can find it at these reputable retailers: 





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Fortunately, you don’t have to shell out for an expensive sushi dinner with your dog to get the proper amount of fish oil in his or her diet, since fish oil is probably one of the most prevalent ingredients in dog supplements out there.Vets recommend it as a hip and joint supplement for dogs with arthritis. Fish oils and omega-3 fatty acids have veterinary and scientific backing for its therapeutic claims.

Vets recommend it as a hip and joint supplement for dogs with arthritis. Fish oils and omega-3 fatty acids have veterinary and scientific backing for its therapeutic claims.

We’ve done our best to demystify fish oils for you. Fish oil essential fatty acids, EPA and DHA explained

Fish oil essential fatty acids, EPA and DHA explained

So why does fish oil work? It’s rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). They are long-chain fats, six and five double bonds, which makes them highly unsaturated fats, found abundantly in oily, coldwater fish, with tiny amounts found in algae.

When your vet recommends fish oils, the prescription carefully matches your dog’s weight to the correct EPA amounts.

Both EPA and DHA regulate immunity and inflammation,  but EPA is the more effective, functional fatty acid when it comes to inflammation.

How fish oil EPA works for your dog’s arthritis

Fish oil hip and joint supplements for dogs would only work for arthritis when they have sufficient amounts of EPA. What does EPA do, exactly?

This is why it’s important to get your EPA dosage right, and why you have to wait for a short period before you see the benefits of fish oil supplements in your dog. Give the EPA time to produce natural anti-inflammatories and to battle the inflammatories.
The benefits of fish oils for dog arthritis as a hip and joint supplement

Because of the anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 fatty acids, fish oils help so much for dogs diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, no matter the age. Younger dogs badly injured in their bones or joints develop arthritis even with surgery. And of course, senior dogs begin to feel their age in their hips and joints sooner or later.

So what benefits do fish oils bring for dog arthritis?

The FAQs:

How much fish oil should I give my dog?
Your dog’s vet should determine the dosage, whether for general health (studies and anecdotal evidence show fish oils help so much in skin and coat health, decreasing shedding, increased energy and appetites) or for supplementary therapy for dog arthritis or atomic dermatitis. She or he will be able to provide the guidance.

As a general rule, dogs with arthritis and senior dogs require higher doses.

You can start your dog on fish oils with 20mg EPA per pound of body weight. Simply multiply your dog’s weight by 20 and you have the efficient amount of EPA you need.

If you want to give your dog the same fish oil you’re taking, you can, but look at the dosage and consult your vet.

My dog has been on fish oil for a while, but nothing has changed.
Many dogs do get their food laced with fish oil, or they eat fish oil caps eagerly. But is the dosage right? Talk to your vet to get the proper dose for your dog. She or he will want to understand the dog’s entire food picture.

What if I overdose?
Fish oil is safer than most supplements. If you overdose, your dog will most likely get diarrhea. Cut back. And remember that like all their food, you have to ease them into it. Start with small amounts and work toward your target dose over a period of weeks.

How long should I wait for it to work?
You will probably see easier movement in your arthritic dog after three to four weeks of taking fish oil at the target dosage.

What about EPA and DHA ratio?
You don’t need to calculate DHA in fish oils. EPA is more functional for dog arthritis. And don’t confuse it with EFA (essential fatty acids) dosages, which some manufacturers put on their labels. Also note that you need omega-3 fatty acids, not omega-6, which are already abundant in most canine (and human) diets.

Final notes

Fish oils have a scientifically proven positive effect on treating dog arthritis. But don’t self-diagnose and don’t play chemist with dosage. Consult your vet.

This is why Veterinary Naturals’ hip and joint supplements are expertly formulated with fish oil in the dosage that provides immediate relief for our four-legged family. Veterinary Naturals also includes holistic ingredients like turmeric, ginger, and hemp too. Most other brands simply don’t measure up. Together with a balanced, grain-free diet, your old dog will soon feel like a puppy again.



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It’s a bit crazy that we include natural and organic turmeric in our supplements for dogs. In addition to being a key spice of many Eastern Cuisine for centuries, it turns out it has some amazing health benefits for humans – and dogs!

Western medicine is finally catching up with Eastern practice.



Turmeric is now being researched extensively for pharmacological use in treating and/or reducing symptoms related to a wide range of health conditions. In fact, a paper written for the American Academy of Pain Management discusses the health benefits of turmeric.

Dr. Horwitz, the medical director of the Arizona Centre for Integrative Medicine and assistant professor of clinical medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, also cites a 2006 University of Arizona study that found this potent anti-inflammatory to reduce the symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis.

Clinical studies have shown that curcumin in turmeric is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals which cause the painful inflammation and damage to joints affected by arthritis.
This is pretty significant for our senior K9 friends that may be suffering from the aches and pains associated with arthritis and aging in general.

The anti-inflammatory properties, combined with the fact that turmeric is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, suggests that it’s also useful for disinfecting and treating skin injuries.


Healthy Hearts

Another concern with our senior pets is ensuring heart health.
Like us, our pets are susceptible to blood clots and excess cholesterol. You may have heard of LDL (bad cholesterol) and HDL (good cholesterol).

Well, turmeric has been found to lower LDL levels which support both heart and liver health.
In addition, turmeric helps to thin the blood, reducing the risk of deadly clots that can lead to strokes and heart attacks.

It’s important to not thin your dog’s blood too much, but the right amount can be helpful.
If your pet is on medication, especially those that thin the blood, check with your vet for the appropriate dosage.


The Great Detoxifier

What about the liver? Yes, turmeric is good for that too.
Our environment and food are becoming more and more toxic and that not only affects us, it impacts our pets as well. Our pets are susceptible to toxins in the environment and in their food, especially commercially produced kibble and treats. The liver plays a significant role in removing toxins from the body. Think of the liver as the main industrial center of the body.

It’s involved in nearly every biochemical process required to run the body.
The body’s abilities to clot blood, to break down harmful toxins, and to remove waste and store energy, are all affected by the liver.

It is a major player in your pet’s digestion, storing vitamins and producing bile which is necessary to break down fat. It’s a pretty important piece of machinery for your pet’s overall health.
In short, turmeric boosts the liver’s ability to metabolize fat and remove waste from the body.



One of the most interesting discoveries I made while investigating the benefits of turmeric is that there are now reports coming out claiming that turmeric may help in the fight against cancer!

This powerful antioxidant plays a significant role in preventative medicine.

In a study at UCLA, doctors found that curcumin seemed to block the cancer-promoting enzyme that stimulates the growth of head and neck cancer. The Department of Small Animal Clinical Scientists has conducted studies that show that curcumin can inhibit tumor growth and may even shrink existing tumors. It’s believed that this has to do with the spice’s amazing ability to shut down blood vessels that feed tumors.

Antioxidant properties are also helpful in reducing the negative side effects of chemotherapy.
Now, we are not saying turmeric is the only thing you should do to prevent, control and/or treat cancer; however, it certainly has us excited about its anti-cancer properties.

But That’s Not All…

If we haven’t already convinced you about the health benefits of turmeric, here are a few more uses:



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